our programs

Secondary Department

Developing Independence

In the Secondary Department we aim to challenge and motivate students, encouraging a positive work ethic.  As the students move through the secondary school, they continue to develop knowledge, life skills and interpersonal skills to help prepare themselves for life after school in the workforce, leisure activities and participation in the broader community.

A wide range of programs are offered to enable students to develop to their full potential and provide the necessary skills required for their transition into the Pathways program and for individual post school options.

Students are provided with the opportunity to develop a number of skills through our extra-curricular programs. These programs provide rich learning experiences for our students, supporting and assisting them to develop their personal and social capabilities.

Student voice and agency drives our extra curricular programs, giving students ownership of their learning programs and providing options such as:

Casey Basketball Program 


Pathways Programs for 2023-2024

The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is Australia’s most awarded 3D animation, game design, film and visual FX educator. Created as a non-profit organisation to grow the creative digital sector, AIE pioneered the development of specialist game qualifications and continues to innovate through industry partnerships and dynamic teaching

In their final years of school, the students move into our Pathways Program in preparation for graduation.  The program enables students to explore their options and make choices for post school life.

The structure of the program is adjusted each year after consultation with the students and families who will be involved. 

Our aim is to provide authentic programs tailored to students’ interests, personal development and the development of work related and industry specific skills. 

Each year an information session will be held for students and families to support them to select options (Pathways) that best meets their needs and interests

The following Pathway Programs have been options offered to our secondary school students:

    Certificate II in Construction Pathways

   We will continue to explore and develop a range of options in response to student interest and request.