Teaching and Learning
Collaborative Trans
disciplinary Teams

Officer Specialist School works with a Collaborative Transdisciplinary Team Approach to planning and teaching. The student is the centre of this approach.
This creates a Team Around the Learner (TAL).
The Team Around the Learner includes:
- Teachers
- Therapists: Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology
- ES staff
- Our Social Worker also provides support when needed.
This not only provides the best programs for students but gives staff support and shares expertise.
The Collaborative Team work together to assess students and formulate goals for the INDIVIDUALISED LEARNING PLAN (ILP), plan and implement programs. Consultation with parents and carers is an important part of the process and we consider parents and carers to be a vital part of our Team Around the Learner.
The student, as the centre of all we do, is encouraged to contribute to the TAL, contribute to the development of goals and to take increasing responsibility for their own learning.